Hear What You're Missing
"I got tired of playing the same CD over and over again."
Why do you need the audiodharma Cable Cooker™?
Do you want to quit playing the same CD over-and-over?
Do you want to hear greater clarity, more nuance and fine detail in the music?
Do you want to hear more high-frequency information, together with deeper, more tuneful bass?
Do you want to experience a more dimensional soundstage, with greater dynamic content?
Do you want to save your N.O.S. tubes from further wear?
Do you want to experience your vinyl playback at its very best?
Would you like to quit trading cables because of the lack of higher performance?
If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then you need the audiodharma Cable Cooker.

Please read the FAQ's before ordering
The Cable Cooker™ Models
Customer-direct pricing without dealer or distributor markup.
- Anniversary Edition Premium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1279
- Anniversary Edition Premium Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1579
- Anniversary Edition HI-POWER Reference . . . . . . . . . . $1979
All models come complete with:
- one outboard universal switching power supply
- one set of power cable break-in adaptors (US-style for US customers)
- one power cable extension adaptor (for daisy-chaining US-style power cables)
- 3 pairs of RCA barrel connectors (for daisy-chaining RCA interconnects)
- Two-year fully-transferable parts & labor warranty
See other product offerings (gear, cabling & accessories) at audio excellence az
The Cable Cooker™ is a dream come true for turntable owners... tonearm wires can finally see enough signal level to be broken-in.
- Myles Astor, PositiveFeedback.com
Recommending this product is a no-brainer. - Wayne Donnelly, EnjoytheMusic.com